Friday, May 6, 2011

Summary of Section One

Bella Swan has decided to move to Forks, Washington to spend some time with her father, Charlie. On her first day of school, she meets a few people and sits with them at lunch. She notices five very strange people sitting at a different lunch table. They are the foster children of Dr. Carlisle Cullen. In Biology, she sits next to Edward Cullen. He seems to be acting very oddly. He is sitting as far away as possible from her. Her classmates tell her that isn't his normal behavior. At the end of the school day, she overhears him trying to switch his Biology class time. The next few days, he's absent from school. Bella's thinking it might have something to do with her. When he gets back to school, he introduces himself and acts perfectly normal. Some of her classmates invite her to La Push beach. Bella says that she will go. Then, one day she wakes up and it's snowing. As she's getting out of her car, a van comes sliding toward her. Edward WAS standing four cars down, but he manages to save her. As Bella's watching, he pushes the van far away all by himself. When she asks him how he saved her so quickly, he insists she hit her head too hard and that he was standing right next to her. Bella has told Edward she's going to Seattle, and he offers to drive her. She agrees. When Bella and her friends are at La Push beach, they meet three people. She has known one of them, Jacob, since she was little. Her classmates ask if the Bella invited the Cullens, but Jacob tells them, "The Cullens don't come here." He tells Bella that they are not allowed on the beach, but then he realizes he shouldn't have said that. Bella asks why and says she won't tell any body. He tells her a story about the "Cold Ones" and how the Quileutes were supposedly descended from wolves. Jacob says that most people would call them werewolves, and how the Cold Ones were the natural enemies of the wolf.


  1. I thought that this was a very good summary. This was because it covered all the important ideas, but also had supporting details.

  2. Thanks Jake! :)


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