Monday, May 23, 2011

Summary of Section Four

The three evil vampires step out into the clearing where they are playing baseball. They introduce themselves as Victoria, Laurent, and James. Carlisle introduces his family as pairs, not drawing attention to any one. He says Bella is part of his family, hoping the other vampires wouldn't notice that she was human. James was a tracker and gets Bella's scent, though. The Cullens explain that Bella is with them. Edward tries to get Bella to leave, but she refuses to leave Charlie. She pretends that she had a fight with Edward and says she needs to leave Forks. Bella uses the exact same words that her mom used when she left Forks. Alice and Jasper take Bella to a hotel and they wait for Edward to arrive in Phoenix. Bella gets a phone call from "her mother" but it's actually James. He tells her to go to her mother's house and then to call him from there. He tells her to say things like "I'm okay, Mom." and "Mom, please listen to me." so Alice and Jasper don't get suspicious. Bella leaves a note for Edward telling him that she loves him and not to come after James. They go to the airport, and Bella gets away by going into a bathroom that has two exits. She goes to her mom's house and calls the number that James left. He tells her to meet him at her old ballet studio. Bella thinks he has her mom, so she goes. When she gets to the studio, she hears her mom shouting in a worried voice. Bella finds out it was just a video of her mom. The Cullens come. There is a fight. James bites Bella, and Edward has to suck the poison out of her. Bella wakes up in the hospital. Bella and Edward live happily ever after...( should read the next book!!!!!!!)

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