Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Response #5

Bella was almost killed by James while in Phoenix(pg 450-451). Bella gets poisoned by James and she starts to turn to a vampire, but Edward saves her from the poison(pg 455). By now Bella and her vampire friends are heading back to Forks after James was killed by the Cullens. In Forks the sun is often covered in clouds and it rains and snows a lot. Forks is surrounded by rain forest and is close to the Pacific Ocean. Forks is also very close to the Olympic Mountains. The Olympic Mountains have many myth about vampires, werewolfs, and the sasquatch. These myths make this a spooky place for stories, which came from the local natives. Bella describes Western Washington as one of the sunless places on earth(pg 291). Forks is a city in Clallam County.

Literary Illumination for Section 4 (response 5)

          Important Quotes from the book:

       "What's your hunting range?" Laurent pg. 377
          "But she's human." Laurent pg. 379
             "He's a tracker, Alice." Edward pg. 382
                "It's his favorite game and we've just made it his most exciting game ever." Edward pg. 397
                    "Edward is coming?" Bella pg. 425
                       "Before noon Bella, I haven't got all day." James pg. 429
                          "Is my mom all right?" Bella pg. 441
                             "You don't sound angry that I tricked you." James pg. 444
                                  "I'm sorry but I just don't think he'll be able to resist hunting me after he watches this." James pg. 447
                                      "My hand is burning!" Bella pg. 454
                                            "How bad am I?" Bella pg. 459
                                                   "I was not finished kissing you!" Bella pg. 463
                                                         "I'am sorry if there has been some kind of miscommunication but Bella is busy tonight." Edward pg. 483

                Literary content from the book:

                  Unfortunately I could not find any good literary content in this last section, to be honest the author seemed kind of rushed and the writing quality went down some.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Response #4

Edward brings Bella to a sunny clearing in the middle of a deep dark forest to talk (pg 259-260). Edward tells Bella he was born in Chicago(pg 287)in 1901. Edward drives Bella in her truck to his house, they cross the Calawah River(pg 320). Bella and the Cullens go to play baseball and are discover by a bad gang of Vampires lead by James. Bella goes back to Phoenix (also known as the Valley of the Sun) by car (pg 406) to avoid James. Phoenix is also the biggest city in Arizona and is the capital of Arizona. Phoenix is the largest capital city in the United States and the only state capital with over 1,000,000 people.)The Mexican Wolf, Bobcats, Bunnys and many diffrent types of lizzards are examples of animals found in Arizona. It is very warm and sunny in Arizona with a lot of desert area. The Colorado River is the main source of water for Arizona since there is little there. Bella mentions Phoenix (pg 384). Laurent, a brother of Edwards, goes to Denali to avoid conflict with James(pg 400).

Monday, May 30, 2011

Phoenix is the capital and the biggest city in Arizona. Phoenix has a population of 1,445,632 people. Phoenix is 1 of the 6 biggest cites in the united states of America. Phoenix is the only state capital with over 1,000,000 people living there en.wikipedia.org.wiki/phoenix,_Arizona-cached-similar

Seattle Washington is the largest city in the Pacific northwest it has a population of 608,660 people Seattle is known as the Emerald city.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle - Cached - Similar

Monday, May 23, 2011

Literary Illumination for Section #3 (response 4)

          Important qoutes:
   "The answer was clear in Billy's eyes. Yes. Yes, he could." Bella pg. 235
     "Have fun, then." Bella pg. 247
      "Safe in Forks--- What a challenge." Bella pg.247
         Be Safe.     Edward pg. 249
           "Vampires like baseball?" Bella pg. 347
              "That's why I'am so happy that hes found you, dear." Esme pg. 268
                "Whether they were thirsty." Carlisle pg. 373
                  "I'm sorry, Bella, it was stupid, irresponsible to expose you like this." Edward pg. 374

                   Literary Phrases:
   His skin, white despite the faint flush from yesterdays hunting trip, literally sparkled, like thousands of tiny diamonds where embedded in the surface. pg. 260

                  Interesting Words:
             Silky pg. 227
              Desensitized pg. 306

Summary of Section Four

The three evil vampires step out into the clearing where they are playing baseball. They introduce themselves as Victoria, Laurent, and James. Carlisle introduces his family as pairs, not drawing attention to any one. He says Bella is part of his family, hoping the other vampires wouldn't notice that she was human. James was a tracker and gets Bella's scent, though. The Cullens explain that Bella is with them. Edward tries to get Bella to leave, but she refuses to leave Charlie. She pretends that she had a fight with Edward and says she needs to leave Forks. Bella uses the exact same words that her mom used when she left Forks. Alice and Jasper take Bella to a hotel and they wait for Edward to arrive in Phoenix. Bella gets a phone call from "her mother" but it's actually James. He tells her to go to her mother's house and then to call him from there. He tells her to say things like "I'm okay, Mom." and "Mom, please listen to me." so Alice and Jasper don't get suspicious. Bella leaves a note for Edward telling him that she loves him and not to come after James. They go to the airport, and Bella gets away by going into a bathroom that has two exits. She goes to her mom's house and calls the number that James left. He tells her to meet him at her old ballet studio. Bella thinks he has her mom, so she goes. When she gets to the studio, she hears her mom shouting in a worried voice. Bella finds out it was just a video of her mom. The Cullens come. There is a fight. James bites Bella, and Edward has to suck the poison out of her. Bella wakes up in the hospital. Bella and Edward live happily ever after...(maybe...you should read the next book!!!!!!!)

Third Blog Response

Jacob is at the beach at La Push with Bella and tells her about the story of Werewolfs and Vampires ( pg 125-126). Jacob turns into a red-brown wolf in Bella's dream (pg 131). Jessica, Angela and Lauran were going to Port Angelaes to buy dresses for the dance and want Bella to join them (pg 144-145). Bella asks Edwards about the trip to Goat Rocks (pg 214). which is a mountain area in the wilderness. Bella talks to her dad about delaying her trip to Seattle.(pg 249)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Calawah River

The Calawah River is a 31 mile (50 km) tributary of the Bogachiel River in Clallam county in the state of Washington. Its two major tributaries are the south and north forks Calawah river. the name Calawah comes from the Qilute word qa'l'o?wa meaning in between.(en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calawah_River-cached-similar)

Summary of Section Three

Edward takes Bella on a hiking trip on the day that they were supposed to go to Seattle. Charlie is on a fishing trip. He shows Bella what he looks like in sunlight. He's really sparkly. And he explains to Bella how vampires are very strong and fast but at the same time don't need any of that, because everything about them invites humans in. On the way home, Bella lets him drive home. He explains how everybody in his family became vampires. Edward was dying of Spanish influenza when Carlisle bit him. Esme fell off a cliff. Emett was attacke by a bear. Alice didn't know who created her. It wasn't Carlisle. The next day, Edward takes Bella to meet his family. He tells Bella some of Carlisle's history, and how he was created and things like that. He invites Bella to play baseball with his family in a few days. Bella comes, but as they're playing Alice sees some other (evil) vamipres coming...(for Bella...?)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Second Blog response

They went to the beach at La'push. When Bella went to the beach she met the Qileute tribe and her old friend Jacob. The beach was not too sunny and was not too warm but it was better then in forks in the snow. On a car trip to Edwards house Bella noticed the Calawah River she drove over on a bridge. Bella also learns Edwards Dad Carlisle was born in London and that Carlisle swam to France (pg337). Carlisle moved to Chicago (pg 341)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Port Angeles is in between the strait of Juan De Fuca and the Olympic mountains. Port Angeles is located in Clallam County on the north Olympic peninsula of Washington state it has a population of 18397 people. (www.cityofpa.us/ - Cached – Similar)
The Qileute tribe ( according to legend ) was formed by a man named Q'waeti. Q'waeti was known as the walking transformer. One day he came upon two wolves, he transformed them in to humans and told them the Qileute shall be brave because you come from wolves, in every manner you shall be strong.( www.native-languages.org/quileutestor... - Cached - Similar) The Qileute tribe is located in la push Washington.

La push Washington. La push comes from the French word la Bouche meaning mouth it was named this because the towns location is at the mouth of the Qileute river La push is 14 miles from forks Washington (were Bella lives)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Push,_Washington - Cached - Similar

Literary Illumination for Section 2

       Here are some important quotes from the book.

"Is it normal for the . . . Cullens . . . to be out of school a lot." Bella pg. 155
"Put on your seat belt." Edward pg. 162
"Sometimes I have a problem with my temper, Bella." Edward pg. 164
"I feel very safe with you." Bella to Edward pg. 170
"He said we weren't dangerous?" Edward pg. 186
"I don't want to be a monster." Edward pg. 187
"About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and    I didn't know how potent that part may be-that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. Bella pg. 195
"How do you hunt a bear without weapons?' Bella pg. 214
"It's twilight." Edward pg. 232
"He doesn't like the Cullens." Bella pg. 238

            Here are some interesting words.
       "Unequivocally." pg. 174
        "Irrevocably." pg. 195

             Here are examples of literary phrases, ect.
       "When I woke to the pearl gray morning." pg. 241
       "Their beautiful bronzed haired brother sat across from me, his golden eyes troubled." pg. 244

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Summary of Section Two

After Jacob tells the story, Bella starts to understand everything. How Edward saved her so quickly, how he pushed the van away all by himself...Bella knows she can't ignore all the clues as to what he actually is. She looks up vampire on the computer and finds lots of legends that seem to be describing Edward. At the same time, Bella thinks that it's impossible. Jacob was just telling a legend, wasn't he? Then, some of Bella's friends invite her to go to Port Angeles to find some dresses for the prom. Bella goes with them, but she leaves her friends and goes to a bookstore. She finds a bookstore, but she doesn't like it very much. While she's trying to find another one, some guys come up and start talking to her. She walks away from them very quickly, but two of them follow her. Then, while she's trying to get away from the two that are following her, she runs into some more of them. Edward drives up just in time. He makes Bella get in his car, then he asks her to distract him so he won''t go back and kill those people. Edward takes Bella to dinner (while eating nothing himself), and tells Bella that he heard what the people that chased her were thinking. Then he drives Bella home. On the way home, he tells Bella that she is the only person who's mind he can't read. He doesn't admit that he's a vampire, but he does answer some questions that Bella has like:
"Burned by the sun?"
"Sleeping in coffins?"
"Myth. I can't sleep."
So in a way he's kind of telling her that he is a vampire. When they get back to Forks, he drives Bella to and from school every day.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Literay Illumination for Section One

Here are some important quotes from the book.
       "Forks was literally my personal hell on Earth." Bella pg. 26
        "Mike, who was taking on the qualities of a golden retriever, walked faithfully by my side to class."  Bella pg. 30
        "When he touched me, it stung my hand as if an electric current had passed through us." Bella      pg. 45
         "Possibly my clumsiness was seen as endearing rather than pathetic, casting me as a damsel in distress." Bella pg. 55
          "What if I'm not a superhero? What if I'm the bad guy?' Edward pg. 92
           "The Cullens adopted you?" Bella pg. 107
           "I was completely absorbed, except for one small part of me that wondered what Edward was doing now, and trying to imagine what he would say if he where here." Bella pg. 117
           "The Cullens? Oh, they're not supposed to come onto the reservation." Jacob pg. 123
           "Another legend claims that we are descended from wolves and that wolves are our brothers still." Jacob pg. 124

Here are some interesting literary phrasess.
        "It was too green - an alien planet." Bella pg. 8
        "His eyes were black-coal black." Bella pg. 23
         "He said hastily in a voice like velvet." Bella pg. 27
          "Utilizing the full power of his burning gold eyes." Bella pg. 108
Here is a list of words that where particularly intriguing.
        "Permeable."pg. 6
        "Palid." pg. 10
        "Nostalgically."  pg. 13
        "Flighty." pg. 13
        "Inhumanly." 19
        "Attenuated." pg. 123

Pre Read

In 2004 the presidential election took place on November 2 the candidates were John Kerry and George W. Bush. John Kerry was a democratic candidate. Bush was a republican candidate. George Bush won because the USA Supreme Court had to decide the winner because of Florida’s votes. They were too close to see so the court had to decide. The chose George Bush. I think this does not effect the story because some people wanted to escape reality so she wrote this book for that reason.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Pre Read

  The cover of my book told me many things. One of these things was that Booklist said in starred review that Twilight was a gripping dark romance. Publishers Weekly said that this book was "Propelled by suspense and romance in equal parts." However reviews on Amazon.com said exactly the opposite. Many said the book had shallow or whiney characters and unrealistic behaviors. On Amazon people who bought this book also bought New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. It sounds like in general people did not like this book, although some people said they found it amusing.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Product Placement in Section One

Toyota Corolla-page 52
Volvo-page 14
Mercedes-page 14
Porsche-page 14
Chevy-page 6
Sports Illustrated-page 18
Red Cross-page 95

Summary of Section One

Bella Swan has decided to move to Forks, Washington to spend some time with her father, Charlie. On her first day of school, she meets a few people and sits with them at lunch. She notices five very strange people sitting at a different lunch table. They are the foster children of Dr. Carlisle Cullen. In Biology, she sits next to Edward Cullen. He seems to be acting very oddly. He is sitting as far away as possible from her. Her classmates tell her that isn't his normal behavior. At the end of the school day, she overhears him trying to switch his Biology class time. The next few days, he's absent from school. Bella's thinking it might have something to do with her. When he gets back to school, he introduces himself and acts perfectly normal. Some of her classmates invite her to La Push beach. Bella says that she will go. Then, one day she wakes up and it's snowing. As she's getting out of her car, a van comes sliding toward her. Edward WAS standing four cars down, but he manages to save her. As Bella's watching, he pushes the van far away all by himself. When she asks him how he saved her so quickly, he insists she hit her head too hard and that he was standing right next to her. Bella has told Edward she's going to Seattle, and he offers to drive her. She agrees. When Bella and her friends are at La Push beach, they meet three people. She has known one of them, Jacob, since she was little. Her classmates ask if the Bella invited the Cullens, but Jacob tells them, "The Cullens don't come here." He tells Bella that they are not allowed on the beach, but then he realizes he shouldn't have said that. Bella asks why and says she won't tell any body. He tells her a story about the "Cold Ones" and how the Quileutes were supposedly descended from wolves. Jacob says that most people would call them werewolves, and how the Cold Ones were the natural enemies of the wolf.

Pre Read

I could tell from the cover that the main character was very pale. Also, that maybe the redness of the apple signified blood, or it was being held by the pale person to show how pale they were. It really intrigued me.

Pre Read Re Read

After reading the back of the book and after research that I previously knew about the book I knew that the book was dark and took place in a rainy, snowy, bad weathered town called forks located in Washington. Far up near the Olympic mountain range where the sun dose not often shine.